The world of NGDOs is dominated by choosing relations with others, making them work well and combining their effects towards their own vision and mission. Located in an aid chain, NGDOs are challenged to manage relationships in two primary directions — with primary stakeholders and with flinders — and in many secondary directions, for example with other NGDOs, governments, the general public and so on. NGDOs must be skilled in balancing a variety of unsteady and often unpredictable relational pushes and pulls. For example, the move towards multi-party democracy in many countries, the retreat of governments from social development responsibilities, the negative effects of economic adjustment policies on the scope and depth of poverty, and pressures from fashion-driven funding, all change the situation and the demands of those whom NGDOs relate to. Selecting responses and modifying relationships is a continual occupation of NGDO leaders/managers and staff. Getting this right can make the difference between success and failure in development work.