The oceanic fish catch soared from 19 million to 88 million tons, expanding much faster than population, from 1950 until 1988. One of the consequences of modern fishing technologies, whether it is the use of drift nets or bottom-scouring fishing techniques, is an increase in the by catch the inadvertent catch of unwanted species. This oceanic equivalent of clear cutting is damaging fisheries on an unprecedented scale. As the world turns to fish farming to satisfy its needs, fish begin to compete with livestock and poultry for feed stuffs such as grain, soybean meal, and fishmeal. Given that the oceanic fish catch is apparently now close to or beyond its sustainable limit, it is a relatively simple matter to determine the future oceanic catch per person. Given that the oceanic fish catch is apparently now close to or beyond its sustainable limit, it is a relatively simple matter to determine the future oceanic catch per person.