Everywhere the forces from below are on the march upward, even when they have not yet triumphed at the polls. The big damage was done in the previous century, especially by Rousseau with his preaching of the goodness of human nature. A real power is building up which will make damned short work of suffrage, popular sovereignty, material welfare, industry, etc. Those hordes of men in the great industrial centers cannot be left indefinitely to their greed and want. What must logically come is a definite and supervised stint of misery, with promotions and uniforms, daily begun and ended to the sound of drums. In the delightful twentieth century, authoritarianism will raise its head again, and a terrifying head it will be. In order to get re-elected, the leaders of the populace must win the excitement-craving masses. The masses demand constant action; otherwise they will not believe that "progress" is taking place.