A few months prior to termination of research-project support for the lodge operation, the research director tried to interest several fédérai, state, and county agencies in financing the lodge as a permanent community program for discharged mental patients. This action was consistent with his responsibility for the welfare of lodge members. The response from each of the various agencies was remarkably similar. None disagreed about the need for such a community treatment program but each of these positive expressions was followed invariably by arguments demonstrating why the particular agency involved could not implement such a program. Agencies most frequently gave the following reasons for this inability: they would need additional funds for such a new program (despite the cost reduction shown in the results: p. 210); such a unique program would not fit into the agency’s practices; professional staffs would not accept a program which would allow more autonomy for mental patients, since granting such autonomy would require unwelcome changes in professional roles. During this period, the research director also contacted the board of directors of the rehabilitative corporation for whom the members worked (pp. 23-27). This nonprofit corporation was the only organization that expressed an interest in continuing the lodge as a treatment program for mentally ill persons. However, it was completely unable to provide the necessary funds.