Clark Kerr's memoirs provide a great deal of information about his leadership style. A comparison with David Gardner's memoirs is instructive. Kerr was clearly a hedgehog. Gardner, on the other hand, can easily be described as a fox, although Kerr does not use this term to refer to him. Gardner recognized the potential for gain and acted swiftly and decisively, a typical fox maneuver. It is important to note that although hedgehogs are visionary, foxes are not blind. On the contrary, they can see everything that happens around them very well. They just see different things. Kerr, by his own admission, was more intellectual than sociable. He says that he did not like to play golf. In other words, he was not one of the boys. Sometimes, he was not well-attuned to people's feelings. Gardner did not have a problem. People found him very personable.