The community development program of India has had serious difficulties in implementing socioeconomic change in villages, even though it has been staffed by Indians. However, the urban educated in many non-Western countries often do not have very deep understanding of their own rural people, although they may share the same general values and beliefs. The "success story" is the introduction of a frightening new idea to village people: vaccination. It clearly indicates the normal villager's dependence on traditional methods. When smallpox broke out in a village of Kalahandi district of Orissa State, the people knew that the Goddess "Thalerani" was in a rage. Some standard characteristics of a public or a crowd are evident here, too. When one woman reacted against the vaccinator, who incidentally was brash in his too bold approach, others followed. In helping people to accept health and medical changes one can be mindful of fact that there is almost natural resistance to inflicting pain for good.