The principles of community development have been devised in the belief that organized group effort is a very efficient means of galvanizing rural communities. Factionalism, or the association of informal groupings of individuals for some special benefit, occurs in villages in all parts of the world, but perhaps nowhere is it carried to such lengths as in India. About a year ago a Social Education Program had been started in the village, Ayanagar - a village in Mehrauli Block near Delhi. The worker had established a reading room, a youth club and a radio-listening group. Ayanagar is a small village of Delhi State with a population of 1,675. The village is situated about two miles from Mehrauli, the block headquarter town. The social structure of the village is much influenced by one dominant caste called the "Gujjars". The Gujjar caste has the largest number of families, nearly two hundred and thirty five.