The United States, history's most scientifically and technologically advanced nation, is threatened with an energy shortage. For decades, energy companies have been prevented from creating new oil refineries, from drilling offshore on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), and from exploiting oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Practically, the harm to the US economy will be colossal. Such a policy amounts to a tax on the use of major energy sources. Since 1990, federal bans have prevented the US companies from producing America's enormous offshore energy resources; a full 97" of America's two billion acres of lands on the OCS are not exploited for their energy potential. Advances in applied science and industry cleanse the environment- the human environment- and represent an enormous, unparalleled boon to man's earthly life. Americans, enjoying the world's highest standard of living, will begin the plunge toward the diminished living standards of Euro-pean-style semi-socialism- and much lower if environmentalists have their way.