The enemy today is: Islamic Totalitarianism. The menace was German philosophy embodied in sundry European totalitarian states. The Islamists, eclipsed by the rise of Europe, dominated now by spectacular Western advance, wallowed in abysmal poverty, licked their wounds, but still nursed an unrelinquished faith-based vision of apocalyptic global conquest. A steady procession of US presidents has relentlessly appeased the Islamists in a manner reminiscent of Chamberlain's policy toward Hitler; if none has yet lain supine and begged the enemy's forgiveness for America's existence, such action is, presumably, merely a matter of time. Defense of America requires that those fighting for the Islamist ideal must be, regardless their number, offered a single pitiless alternative: unconditional surrender or irrevocable death. State Shinto, much like State Islam, indoctrinated children with worship of death in service of government-backed religion and empire. Devastation of the Islamists unambiguously serves America's self-interest; for, by eradicating the latest totalitarian threat, it preserves American lives and freedom.