This chapter first argues that Palestinian leader Musa Kazim al-Husseini's statement that can be taken as an important milestone in the new thinking of the Palestinians. He had since plunged into political activity and been elected President of the Muslim-Christian Association (MCA), which was composed primarily of the older generation. The rise of the MCA ran parallel to the decline and eventual disintegration of the radical al-Nadi al-'Arabi Club and the al-Muntada al-'Arabi party. The chapter then describes author's cynical attempt to apply to Palestine the non-existent "treaty", on which Hussein, King of the Hedjaz, continuously harped, in order to justify the creation of an Arab government in Palestine. Finally, Emir Feisal, son of king Hussein, declared that he wished to restore peace and concord in the Islamic world. France was an "enemy", but England preferred to support her rather than her "Beduin Arab".