The overseeing organization in the new field is the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. The ultimate aim of the anti-aging movement is what they label "rectangularization" —a person lives for years in a healthy state, right up to the point of death, instead of living for years with infirmities and debilitating illness. One of the most promising and also controversial areas of eliminating disease and thereby extending human life is stem cell research. Human stem cells are unique cells that can transform into all the parts needed to create a living being. Scientists have discovered that animals on a strict caloric-restriction diet not only live longer, but they also benefit from another phenomenon mentioned earlier, compressed morbidity. Caloric restriction not only has its adherents but also a fan club, the Caloric Restriction Society. Nanotechnology is based on the theory that any material or object can be constructed from the "bottom up," one atom or molecule at a time.