The Africare began to establish itself overseas permanently in Upper Volta early in 1974 when it appointed Peter Persell the country representative. The Africare water development program in Chad was centered in the relatively populous southern part of the country more than a hundred miles from N'Djamena, the capital. African government officials dealing with Africare found an agency that was prepared to act, to sign agreements, and to begin immediately providing water to their citizens. On a larger scale, throughout the Sahel, Africare purchased motor-driven pumps, gardening tools, and materials for village production cooperatives. To become permanently established in a country, an organization like Africare or any other Private Voluntary Organization has to open an office with staff. The search for a permanent home began in late 1980 when the seventh floor of the building at Connecticut and Q Street, N. W., became vacant. Africare employed many arguments in its appeal to prospective donors.