This chapter explores the real of abortion—choices regarding the taking of unborn human life. The American Medical Association opposed abortion on the basis of morality, safety, and elimination of midwifery competition. "Michelle" is a white "simple country girl" in her early fifties who hails from the mid-Atlantic region. "BJ" is a semiretired nurse who works as a counselor for Michelle. She was born on a Midwest farm and raised Southern Baptist. Omega Breeze Women's Health Clinic is the only abortion clinic in "South Amherst", a community of about two hundred thousand inhabitants in a tri-state area. While everything appears confidential and private, the intimacy of the process of abortion is actually a public affair. Each teenage girl or young woman is never really alone, except for the ultrasound and abortion procedures. "Gabriele", the head cheerleader, was recruited by a local feminist club. She then recruited the other cheerleaders.