After Viotti's death Margaret sold her Montagu Street home and moved back to Châtülon on 25 May 1824, having spent the intervening weeks in mourning at Orpington with her sister Mrs Elizabeth Marsh. She remained at Châtillon for the summer of 1824 and the winter of 1824-25. Margaret received many condolences on the death of Viotti. It is ironic that one of Napoleon's most loyal supporters should have been on such close terms with a patriotic English family who hated Napoleon with an implacable British hatred. But such was the strength of Viotti's friendships that they were able to cross political borders. While in Madrid George paid a nostalgic visit to Viotti's old friend Francesco Vaccari, who, having lost his court position as first violinist to King Ferdinand of Spain, now found himself in unhappy circumstances. The other item that Margaret needed to sell to realise some ready cash was the grand piano at Châtillon.