In 1971, Wood took up a lecturing post at Liverpool University; in 1973 he converted this to part-time for two years. Wood then returned to London in 1975 for freelance work. Following Alexander Goehr's appointment as Professor at Cambridge in 1976, Wood joined the music faculty there, and was appointed lecturer in music and fellow of Churchill College the next year. The music Wood wrote for solo voice in the 1970s is exclusively about love. His highly charged settings of poems by D. H. Lawrence and Pablo Neruda occupy a different emotional climate to that of his Hughes and Muir collections of the 1960s, reflecting the textural and colouristic resources explored in the Second Quartet and Chamber Concerto. In late summer 1973, Wood began setting poems from Pablo Neruda's 'Twenty Love Poems and a song of Despair', using Christopher Logue's translation in Wand and Quadrant.