1. The British Colonies and Protectorates may be classified as follows:–

Colonies possessing responsible government, now known as the self-governing Dominions, in which the Crown has only reserved the power of disallowing legislation and the Secretary of State for the Colonies 1 has no control over any public officer except the Governor. In all matters affecting the internal affairs of such a Colony the Governor acts on the advice of Ministers who are responsible to the Legislature. These Colonies fall constitutionally into two groups:–

Dominion of Canada,

Dominion of New Zealand,

Union of South Africa,


The Australian Commonwealth and its six component States:– New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania. (The Northern Territory and Papua are administered by the Commonwealth.)

Colonies not possessing responsible government, in which the administration is carried on by public officers under the control of the Secretary of State for the Colonies (commonly known as Crown Colonies), and Protectorates similarly controlled.

Colonies possessing an Elected House of Assembly and a nominated Legislative Council:–

Bahamas, Bermuda.


Colonies possessing a partly elected Legislative Council, the constitution of which does not provide for an official majority:– British Guiana,