This chapter lifts the veil from private face of barbershop in order in investigate what this practice means to barbershoppers, and why it exerts such a powerful hold over its participants' imaginations. It starts by giving an outline definition of the tag and its uses, and explores barbershoppers' professed attitudes to them. The chapter focuses on the particular practice of tag-singing in afterglows, giving a detailed account of the social processes involved and their relationship with musical content. Tag singing is a product of the barbershopper's quest for the Nirvana of perfect harmony. The chapter draws upon the sorts of documentary sources as previous ones, and includes much personal testimony kindly shared by barbershoppers, both in person and by email. It concludes that the ideals of musical freedom and emotional involvement to which highly regimented barbershop performances pay lip service are in fact to be found in this world hidden from public view.