Team values audit metric provides an opportunity for teams to explore the values that they have adopted. It can lead to a profound reassessment of the team's way of operating. Team members often develop closer relationships following participation in this audit. This chapter provides a format for assessing team values. It provokes a discussion as to where existing team values are functional or dysfunctional. In this all participants will need a copy of the 'Questionnaire', together with 'Scoring', 'The 12 Values of Teamworking' and 'Exercise'. The facilitator should ensure that participants complete the questionnaire as directed, read the explanatory material and complete the exercise as suggested. It approximately requires 1 hour and 30 minutes. This questionnaire asks for one's opinions about a specific team or cluster of teams. The team being assessed is: Answer the 60 items on the following pages only in relation to this definition of the team being assessed.