This chapter begins with an examination of the typology of vessels according to country or region of manufacture. Imported stone vessels appear in Levantine assemblages at least as early as the Chalcolithic Period, but on a restricted scale that seems to have little impact on local stone vessel production. The most influential work in the field of Minoan stone vessel studies has been the comprehensive catalogue of Aegean material published by Peter Warren and enhanced by subsequent studies. Surface decoration, particularly low relief carving, is comparatively more frequent in Minoan stone vessels than in the contemporary industries of Egypt or the Levant. Imported Minoan stone vessels are extremely rare in the Levant, with most examples appearing in north Levantine centres such as Byblos, Ras Shamra and Atchana. The majority of imported stone vessels found in the Levant appear to be of Egyptian origin, based on comparisons with catalogues of material recovered from Egypt itself and a consideration of the techniques.