When I was in my 23rd year <in the year 1784>, I went from Harvard to Holliston (40 miles distant) to live, had frequently heard of Mother and people and felt a strong desire to see them, and in the latter part of the season I came to Harvard to my father, in company with others, having yet my principal view to see this strange people, having heard that they were in Harvard. I went on Sabbath morning to see them about 2 miles distant where they resided at the square <house> (so-called) leaving my companions behind, who came after and attended meeting. I thought Mother, she asked me my name, and some other similar questions, then said she “have you come to see the people of God?” I answered I have. “Will now be a daughter of Zion, and be searched like Jerusalem with candles, {illeg.} <turn out {darkness?} & let in light <viz> confessing <and forsaking> your sentence and received Christ in his humble way? This being a question of such magnitude, that I made her no answer, Mother asked me if I wanted to attend their meeting. Or, “do you wish to attend our meeting? I told her I did that mother spoke to the sisters to take me to meeting, which was about commencing; this meeting was attended with operations upon their bodies, speaking with tongues, signs & as well as speaking < {and hearing?} the testimony>, and I was convicted beyond a doubt that they were the people of God, and it had such an effect upon my mind and feelings, that I was obliged to withdraw awhile and {illeg.} returned again. When meeting closed, some of the sisters invited me to stay overnight my companions were opposed to this but to satisfy the feelings of the sisters as well as my own, I stayed; my companions returned back to my fathers; in the morning feeling unable to obey my faith, and give up all my youthful pursuits, I set off to go to my fathers. Mother see me going, and spoke to the sisters to call me back, they obeyed Mother, and I returned back, mother met me at the door, and said “how could you go away without biding us farewell? Do you believe that we are the people of God?” I answered, I do, then said Mother, “why do you not obey your faith? I answered her, it is so contrary to my {illeg.} that I do not feel able. I feel willing to lay down my life rather than come to so humiliating a way, if that will compensate, Mother turning to Father James and William, said, “did I not tell you the time 255was coming, that souls must be caught like the brands from the burning and that we must go out into the streets <or highways> and compell them to come in.” Then turning to some in the room said “can you call in the brethren and sisters and pray for this young woman? For her soul is bound.” The brethren and sisters came in and all kneeled— /