This chapter introduces the notions of manifest, assumed, extant and requisite organization. It explains the time-span instrument for measuring the level of complexity of a role. The chapter provides a precise definition of the nature of the manager-subordinate relationship. It shows how the requisite layering of strata was found. The chapter also shows that there is rhyme and reason for the hierarchically stratified. It suggests that there is rhyme and reason for the hierarchically stratified Managerial Accountability Hierarchy (MAH), which derives from the hierarchically stratified character of the complexity of mental processing in people. The chapter shows that the requisite pattern of hierarchical structure can be applied equally constructively to all kinds of function: research and development; policy making; design; production; sales. It considers requisite modes of corporate collegial functioning at Str-VII and VI. The MAH is assumed to be inevitably cocooned in red tape and autocracy.