’DAGOBERT the Great, by divine clemency king of the Franks, to all dignitaries in his realm, and, indeed, to all believers in Christ, present and future. We make it known that, my father, Clotaire, being deceased, I have taken upon myself the management of his dominions. But seduced by the frivolous conduct of youth, I neglected the obligations of my royal duty, and chief among my other delinquencies I began to be a destroyer and demolisher of God’s churches, fearing neither the eyes of divine majesty nor the disapproval of men. Finally the beneficence of God, crushing the arrogance of my stubborn spirit, amended my iniquities with the rod of correction and after my chastisement did not deny me forgiveness, etc. Then, granting, as it were, a means of repentance, He placed before me the hope of plenary indulgence if I should construct to the honour of God and the holy Apostles, St Peter and St Paul, whom I had particularly displeased, a building suitable for divine services, etc. In the sure hope, therefore, of the remission of our sins, fulfilling our sworn vow with prompt zeal, we have erected a church in honour of the Holy Trinity and of St Mary, which we have commanded to be raised and enriched with royal magnificence, etc.