Following Punta del Este, the formal structure for the Uruguay Round negotiations began to be rolled out. The Ministerial Declaration had organized the negotiations into two broad groups: a Group of Negotiations on Goods (GNG) and a Group of Negotiations on Services (GNS). Both had to report to the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), the committee that was to monitor the conduct of the entire Uruguay Round. In international negotiations, trust among allies is the key to success. Negotiating a comprehensive agreement on intellectual property was something of a high-wire act for US and European Community negotiators. Intellectual property was a new subject for most trade negotiators. In India, the Dunkel draft text was labelled 'DDT' and thought to be just as dangerous as the chemical of that name for the health of the country. India was not the only place where the DDT was causing misery. There were signs of unhappiness from the US pharmaceutical industry.