Ernst played a Romance accompanied by Davison, and the concert was enjoyed, amongst others, by Mendelssohn, Moscheles, the pianist Leopold de Meyer, Offenbach and the thirteen-year-old Joseph Joachim. Joachim had flourished under Bohm's tuition, and at the end of his course, his teacher advised him to head for Paris where Ernst had inaugurated his dazzling career. The continuing difficulties between Ernst and Sivori began to manifest themselves publicly once again, this time in the concert hall rather than the letters columns. The occasion was the sixth Philharmonic concert when Ernst was invited to play in Mauer's Concertante for four violins: There was some trouble about this concertante, which was originally to be played by Ernst, Sivori, Blagrove, and Joachim. The general consensus amongst German and French musicians – that Sivori was a charlatan and a liar – is not in general deserved.