Ernst's first public appearance in Vienna took place on 1 September 1825. This was at the Karntner thortheater during one of the conservatoire's examination concerts. He must have made a good impression since on 30 october and 6 November he played again, and on at least one of these occasions played a set of variations by mayseder. Ernst's reputation must have spread very quickly because his name soon appears on the programmes of professional concerts that were unconnected with the conservatoire. Ernst's other violin teacher – Joseph Mayseder – was also known to Beethoven and Schubert. He was not a member of the Conservatoire, and he did not hold any other teaching position. Ernst's other teacher at the conservatoire was Ignaz Seyfried with whom he studied composition. Seyfried had been taught the piano by Mmozart and Kozeluch and composition under Winter and Albrechtsberger.