The 1903 edition of MTVP contained no biographical information on its author, Gurudev Patwardhan. In 1954 Professor B.R. Deodhar wrote a short, entertaining article about Gurudev in the journal Sangit Kala Vihar. It contains some interesting biographical information, although at times it seems equally focused on the life of Deodhar’s teacher Vishnu Digambar Paluskar. Aban E. Mistry, in her wide-ranging but frequently nebulous study of the pakhavaj and tabla, mentions Gurudev, yet surprisingly omits reference to his work despite naming many books by his contemporaries. Gurudev’s tenure in Bombay was relatively short-lived, however, and one can only speculate as to why he should retire from the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya in May 1913 at the relatively young age of 43, divest himself of his financial responsibility to the institute in Lahore by transferring his property-intrust to Paluskar, and return to his home town of Miraj.