Children of divorce often have no one with whom to share their concerns, fears, and loneliness. Small groups are an excellent resource for addressing such problems; they are often the single most important factor in the child's ability to cope with divorce trauma. CHANGE stands for the basic tasks that children of divorce need to accomplish: Communication, Healthy self, Adjusted relationships, Needs, Guidance, and Emotions. To achieve the goals, R. Smead-Morganett has structured each meeting, including goals for the session, materials, activities, and process questions. Again, as feelings are the focus of counseling groups run by my colleagues and myself, it is useful to also review the session that emphasizes emotions. The group was comprised of six 11-year-old children, one boy and five girls. As in any group, the beginning stage was geared to the development of a climate of trust and the establishment of group norms: confidentiality, self-disclosure, and interpersonal support.