This chapter discusses the scope, methods, and challenges that Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) face to demonstrate effectiveness and accountability. It aims to Understand die scope and challenges of NPO accountability and identifies different processes for NPO accountability. The chapter explains NPO effectiveness and the challenges and discusses different methods and approaches to measure NPO effectiveness. It describes different charity rating agencies' use of performance criteria for the ratings and also discusses the issue of assessing NPO effectiveness at the societal level, that is, their social impact. The chapter draws on how some NPOs are using misleading or fake numbers to prove their effectiveness. Accountability basically means to account or to answer for one's actions or behaviors. NPO accountability is one of the emerging issues in the field. NPOs have multiple stakeholders, externally and internally; so technically they are or should be accountable to all. The NPO stakeholders also have less control over NPOs than the stakeholders of government and for-profit sectors.