America had her numerous husbandmen, her merchants and mechanics; and her sons of the learned professions, and students in every science. America’s day, the morning of which had lowered with heavy clouds, began to brighten apace, and its hurrying hours hastened their way to a noontide glow. America had been enriched, indeed, and her soil made fat with the blood of her children. Made fat – not for the rightful owners, but to pamper the lusts of tyrannical landlords, sharing the country among themselves; the surviving former possessors only vassals at pleasure, and slaves to their lordly masters. America, by centring her trade in Britain, contributed her liberal share, nor had she ever withheld her blood or her treasure when requisitions were made; that even malevolence itself had been nonplussed from thence to derive a plea, unless through a / mad desire to take by compulsion what would otherwise be cheerfully given.