As attention has recently been directed towards the use of the Hollerith machines for work of insurance companies it may be of value to know the uses to which these machines may be put and to have the advantage of the experience of others who have already attempted their use. As probably more satisfactory results can be obtained by seeing the machines actually in operation I do not intend to take up space in this paper in describing the mechanical part of the machines, but will try rather to show what results can be accomplished. There are three separate machines. The first one, used for punching the cards, is a small machine with twelve keys known as the “key punch,” which operates similarly to a typewriter. The second is an electrical sorting machine, which sorts the cards according to the holes punched; and the third one, also electrical, is used for the purpose of adding and is called a tabulating machine. These electrical machines handle the cards automatically, three or four hundred cards being placed in position at one time.