Each item provides title(s), previously assigned Poulton-Lam number (P), if applicable, and numbered references indicating in which sources (listed in Chapter 3) each composition is found.

† Primary = item likely printed with Dowland’s knowledge, or found in manuscript in the composer’s hand, or with signature

Song = voice or voices in any combination, with or without accompanying instruments, or parts intended to be sung (with or without text)

Lute = lutes only: solo, duo, or trio

Consort = two or more other instruments, in any combination, including those for instruments plus lutes

* = uncertain authorship

D1 fantasia (P1)

† Primary: 7 (ff. H1r–2r)

Lute: 14 (ff. 170v–171v), 55 (ff. 8v–9r), 89 (ff. 16v–17r), 102 (ff. 13v–14v), 107 (ff. 14v–15r), 109 (ff. 24v–25r), 194 (ff. 27v–31r)

D2 Forlorn Hope (fantasia) (P2)

Lute: 29 (pp. 210–11), 31 (pp. 37–8), 64 (ff. 16v–17r), 199 (ff. 54v–56r)

D3 Farewell (fantasia) (P3)

† Primary: 63 (ff. 43v–44r, signature and title in Dowland’s hand)

Lute: 20 (pp. 18–19), 31 (pp. 1–2), 89 (ff. 41v–42r), 199 (ff. 41v–43r)

D4 Farewell (fantasia) (P4)

Lute: 64 (ff. 41v–42r, 50v–51r)

D5 fantasia (P5)

Lute: 55 (ff. 17v–18r; 33v, incomplete)

D6 fantasia (P6)

Lute: 29 (pp. 208–10), 31 (pp. 30–1), 55 (ff. 7v–8r), 64 (ff. 43v–44r), 66 (ff. 32v–33r), 199 (ff. 39v–41r)

D7 fantasia (P7)

Lute: 64 (ff. 6v–7v), 89 (ff. 35r–36r)

D8 Captain Piper’s Pavan/Piper’s Pavan (P8)

Lute: 12 (ff. E3r–F1r), 27 (f. 37v), 55 (ff. 2v–3r), 57 (ff. 46v–47r), 89 (f. 29v), 102 (ff. 27v–28r), 109 (ff. 19v–20r), 135 (f. 21r), 164 (ff. 70v–71r). Pairs with galliard D19.

Song: 15 (p. 110), 104 (f. 22v)

Consort: 23 (XXIV, a5), 30 (no. 4), 61 (f. 3v, bass viol), 62 (f. 1v, recorder), 65 (f. 31v, cittern), 117 (f. 89r, bandora), 165 (no. 49)

Keyboard: 67 (pp. 298–9, arr. Peerson), 195 (f. 57r), 208 (p. 4)

Bandora: 57 (f. 82r)

Cittern: 60 (f. 27v)

D9 Semper Dowland, semper dolens (P9)

† Primary: 4 (8)

Lute: 27 (ff. 38v–39r), 89 (f. 25r), 109 (f. 31v), 134 (f. 14v), 141 (f. 40v)

D10 Solus cum sola (pavan) (P10)

Lute: 57 (f. 58v), 89 (ff. 27v–28r), 102 (ff. 14v–15r), 120 (ff. 10v–11r), 166 (pp. 104–5)

Keyboard: 151 (f. 76r, incomplete), 208 (p. 4)

Lyra Viol: 122 (no. 11, arr. Sumarte)

Orpharion: 12 (ff. B3v–4r)

D11 Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood’s Pavan (P11)

Lute: 38 (II:110), 39 (f. II1r), 64 (ff. 33v–34r)

D12 Dr. Case’s Pavan (P12)

Lute: 57 (f. 14v)

D13 Dowland’s Adieu for Master Oliver Cromwell/Resolution (P13)

† Primary: 2 (f. N1v)

Lute: 66 (ff. 17v–18r, 18r–v)

D14 Mr. John Langton’s Pavan/Sir John Langton, his Pavan (P14)

† Primary: 4 (10), 7 (ff. K1v–2v)

Lute: 20 (pp. 53–5, 62, arr T. K.), 27 (f. 36v), 31 (pp. 48–9), 63 (ff. 2v–3r)

Consort: 42 (XXI)

D15 “Flow my tears, fall from your springs”/Lachrimae/Lachrimae Antique/Lachrimae Pavan (P15)

† Primary: 2 (II), 4 (1)

Lute: 12 (ff. E1r–2v), 14 (ff. 16v–17r; 30r, 30v–31r, arr. Besard), 20 (pp. 60–1, arr. Strobelius), 26 (ff. 94r–95r), 27 (f. 2v, arr. van den Hove), 38 (II:91), 39 (ff. GG5v–6r), 54 (ff. 5v–6r), 55 (ff. 4v–5r, 14v–15r; 36v–37r, arr. C.K.), 57 (ff. 75v–77r, 81v), 63 (ff. 9v, 21r), 68 (ff. 8v–9r), 89 (ff. 25v–26r), 90 (ff. 225v–227v), 92 (f. 1r), 107 (ff. 22v–23r), 109 (ff. 16v–17r), 110 (f. 11v), 115 (ff. 21v–22v), 118 (f. 11r), 120 (ff. 11v–12r), 134 (f. 4v), 135 (f. 11r), 145 (ff. 109v–110r), 155 (ff. 36v–38r), 158 (ff. 72v–74r), 159 (ff. 103v–104r), 161 (pp. 17–19, arr. van den Hove), 164 (ff. 5r–v, 55v–56r), 166 (pp. 78–9, 122–3, duet or consort part), 182 (f. 24v), 185 (ff. 388v; 389v, duet or consort part), 212 (ff. 18v–19r), 214 (ff. 24r–27r). Pairs with galliard D46.

Song: 15 (pp. 44–53), 18 (1662: no. 61; later editions: no. 55), 46 (f. 51r), 47 (pp. 116, 217–18), 76 (p. 34), 77 (f. F4r), 82 (f. 1r–v), 84 (f. 6v), 86 (B: p. 202), 96 (f. 14r), 97 (ff. 11v–12r), 103 (f. 86r), 104 (f. 22r), 128 (f. 30v), 131 (pp. 6–7), 132 (f. 51r–v), 187 (f. 1r)

Consort: 13 (ff. D4v–E1r, arr. Besard), 28 (pp. 2, 7–8, arr. Schop), 30 (no. 7), 48 (III:17), 58 (ff. 16v–17v, lute), 61 (ff. 3v, 6v, 28v, bass viol), 62 (f. 3v, recorder), 65 (f. 25r, cittern), 117 (ff. 17v, 92r), 156 (12), 165 (no. 42), 174 (no. 8, arr. Schermer), 175 (f. 8v, arr. Hausmann), 182 (f. 38v–41r, consort bandora)

Keyboard: 67 (pp. 222–3, arr. Byrd; 406–8, arr. Farnaby), 69 (ff. 75v–76r; 83r–84r, arr. Randall), 101 (ff. 71r–72v), 113 (ff. 5v–7v, arr. Cosyn), 114 (ff. 167r–171r, arr. Byrd), 130 (f. 11r, incomplete), 137 (ff. 60v–61r, arr. Scheidt; 224v–225r, arr. Scheidemann), 139 (pp. 27, 28, 32), 143 (ff. 2r–3v, arr. Schildt), 144 (ff. 1r–4v, arr. Schildt, incomplete), 147 (pp. 322–7), 148 (ff. 115v–116r), 149 (ff. 2v–3r), 170 (ff. 154v–157r), 173 (ff. 11v–12r, 12v–13r), 177 (ff. 34v–36r, arr. Sweelinck), 180 (ff. 56v–57v), 184 (f. 19v, arr. Schmidt), 195 (ff. 24v–25v), 196 (ff. 28v–29r, arr. Schildt, incomplete; 34v–35r, arr. Schildt), 208 (pp. 186–7), 209 (f. 14r), 210 (ff. 2v–4v, arr. Cussen)

Bandora: 57 (f. 84v)

Lyra Viol: 74 (pp. 42–3), 102 (ff. 35v–36r), 122 (pp. 18–19, arr. Sumarte), 126 (ff. 25v–26r)

Recorder: 51 (ff. 11v–12v, 61v–63v, both arr. van Eyck), 52 (ff. 12r–13r, 62v–65r, both arr. van Eyck)

D16 pavan (P16)

Lute: 63 (ff. 47v–48r)

D17 Lady Russell’s Pavan (P17)

Lute: 55 (ff. 5v–6r), 57 (f. 38v), 63 (ff. 64v–65r), 64 (ff. 5v–6r), 89 (ff. 37v–38r)

D18 pavan (P18)

Lute: 63 (ff. 51v–52r), 64 (ff. 1v–2r)

D19 Captain Digorie Piper’s Galliard/Captain Piper, his Galliard/“If my complaints could passions move” (P19)/(P88*)

† Primary: 1 (IV), 4 (18)

Lute: 14 (f. 107v), 19 (f. 13r, arr. Francisque), 55 (ff. 3v–4r), 57 (f. 53r), 63 (ff. 21v, 10r), 64 (f. 73v), 89 (f. 28v), 90 (ff. 92v–93r), 102 (ff. 28v–29r), 110 (f. 11r), 120 (f. 21v), 164 (f. 92v). Pairs with pavan D8.

Song: 69 (f. 62v), 73 (S: f. R2v, Q: ff. O2v, O3r), 84 (ff. 30v–31r), 94 (f. 15v), 97 (ff. 12v–13r), 100 (f. 14r), 104 (f. 22v), 105 (ff. 2r, 7v, 8r), 124 (f. 7r), 131 (pp. 52–3), 138 (pp. 2–3)

Consort: 30 (no. 5), 117 (f. 89r)

Cittern: 35 (f. D4v), 60 (f. 4v), 202 (f. 14r)

Keyboard: 67 (pp. 299–303, arr./var. Bull), 114 (ff. 222v–224r), 129 (ff. 18v–19r, arr. Byrd), 130 (f. 10v, incomplete), 148 (f. 7v), 170 (ff. 173v–175r), 192 (ff. 8v–9r, 30v–31r, arr. Philips), 208 (p. 4)

Lyra Viol: 17 (f. G1v)

D20 galliard (P20)

Lute: 57 (f. 67v), 119 (f. 6v), 185 (f. 22r)

Bandora: 117 (f. 10v)

D21 Captain Candish, his Galliard/galliard (P21)

Lute: 54 (f. 6v), 57 (ff. 7v, 56r), 110 (f. 11v), 118 (f. 1r)

D22 galliard (P22)

Lute: 57 (ff. 56r, 60r, 95r), 89 (f. 23r), 120 (f. 22v)

Consort: 61 (f. 5r, bass viol), 62 (f. 5r, recorder), 65 (f. 33v, cittern)

Cittern: 60 (f. 28r)

D23 Frog Galliard/“Now O now I needs must part” (P23)/(P90*)

† Primary: 1 (VI), 212 (f. 12v, signed)

Lute: 55 (ff. 42v–43r), 57 (ff. 40v, 93r), 89 (ff. 26v–27r), 135 (f. 100r), 158 (ff. 60v–62r), 160 (p. 134), 161 (pp. 144–5), 166 (pp. 198, 230), 169 (pp. 4–5), 172 (ff. 9v–10r, duet; 13v), 182 (ff. 21r, 22v), 185 (f. 28v), 193 (ff. 15v–16r), 194 (ff. 15v–16r), 215 (13)

Song: 15 (pp. 24–6), 18 (no. 47), 47 (pp. 54–5), 69 (f. 63v), 70 (f. 2v), 73 (S: ff. O4r, Q4r, Q: f. N4r), 99 (f. 22r–v), 105 (ff. 2v, 7v, 8v), 124 (f. 5r), 131 (p. 45), 132 (ff. 38v–39r), 138 (pp. 6–7)

Consort: 30 (no. 10), 182 (ff. 5v, consort lute; 40v, consort bandora)

Cittern: 35 (f. G1r)

Keyboard: 83 (ff. 29v–32v, arr. Wilbye), 116 (ff. 8r–9r), 133 (ff. 28v–30r, arr. Hall), 135 (f. 94v)

Mandora: 80 (pp. 35–40), 135 (f. 102v)

D24 “Awake sweet love, thou art returned”/galliard/Fr. Cutting galliard* (P24)/(P92)

† Primary: 1 (XIX)

Lute: 55 (f. 33v), 57 (f. 58r), 63 (f. 63r, arr. Cutting?)

Song: 18 (no. 23), 99 (f. 11r), 105 (ff. 3v, 9v), 132 (ff. 18v–19r)

D25 Melancholy Galliard (P25)

Lute: 57 (f. 12r), 89 (f. 24v)

D26 “My thoughts are winged with hopes”/Sir John Souch, his Galliard/Sir John Souch’s Galliard (P26)

† Primary: 1 (III), 4 (13)

Lute: 63 (f. 26r)

Song: 124 (f. 9r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 7r)

Bandora: 117 (f. 18v)

D27 galliard (P27)

Lute: 63 (f. 49v)

D28 galliard (on a galliard by Daniel Bacheler) (P28)

Lute: 20 (pp. 108–10), 63 (ff. 35v–36r), 68 (ff. 54v–55r), 89 (ff. 20v–21r), 107 (ff. 15v–16r), 120 (ff. 16v–17r), 164 (ff. 94v–95r)

D29 Giles Hoby’s Galliard/Mr. Giles Hobies Galliard (P29)

† Primary: 4 (15)

Lute: 27 (f. 52v), 63 (ff. 16v–17r), 68 (f. 10r)

D30 galliard (P30)

Lute: 63 (ff. 25v–26r)

D31 galliard (P31)

Lute: 57 (f. 82v), 63 (f. 37r)

D32 Mrs. Vaux’s Galliard (P32)

Lute: 20 (p. 108), 63 (ff. 18v–19r), 64 (f. 20r)

D33 Mr. Langton’s Galliard (P33)

Lute: 64 (ff. 17v–18r), 89 (f. 18v)

D34 Mignarda/Mr. Henry Noel, his Galliard/“Shall I strive with words to move” (P34)

† Primary: 4 (14), 5 (V)

Lute: 57 (f. 77r), 63 (f. 31v), 64 (f. 29r), 71 (p. 123)

D35 galliard (P35)

Lute: 64 (f. 37v), 185 (f. 26v)

D36 Mr. Knight’s Galliard (P36)

Lute: 63 (f. 56r), 64 (f. 19v)

D37 Galliard for Two to Play Upon One Lute/My Lord Chamberlain, his Galliard (P37)

† Primary: 1 (f. L2v)

Lute: 56 (f. 32v, variant), 64 (f. 90r)

D38 Mr. Bucton’s Galliard/Galliard/The Right Honorable the Lord Viscount Lisle, his Galliard/Sir Robert Sidney’s Galliard/Suzanna Galliard* (P38)/(P91)

† Primary: 4 (19), 6 (f. B1r)

Lute: 57 (f. 52r, variant)

Consort: 21 (Galliard XVIII)

D39 Round Battle Galliard (P39)

Lute: 212 (f. 6r, possible consort part)

Consort: 61 (f. 5r, bass viol), 62 (f. 5v, recorder), 65 (f. 36v, cittern)

D40 Battle Galliard/King of Denmark’s Galliard/The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, his Galliard (P40)

† Primary: 4 (11), 7 (ff. L2v–M1r)

Lute: 20 (pp. 112–13), 64 (ff. 23r, 94v), 107 (ff. 12v–13r), 109 (ff. 17v–18r), 119 (f. 7v, misattrib. to Johnson), 120 (ff. 17v–18r), 134 (f. 5v), 155 (f. 239r), 166 (pp. 198, 202, 518), 182 (ff. 22v; 22v–23r, var.), 194 (f. 33r), 212 (ff. 10v–11r)

Keyboard: 177 (ff. 50v–52r, arr. Scheidt)

D41 The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard/K. Darcy’s Galliard/Do. Re. Ha. Galliard (P41)

† Primary: 7 (f. M1v)

Lute: 57 (f. 59r)

Consort: 61 (f. 5v, bass viol), 62 (f. 6r, recorder), 65 (f. 20r, cittern)

D42 “Can she excuse my wrongs”/Earl of Essex Galliard/Galliard Can She Excuse/The Right Honorable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard (P42)/(P89)

† Primary: 1 (V), 4 (12), 7 (f. M2r), 212 (f. 16r, signed)

Lute: 20 (pp. 121, 122, var. Strobelius), 26 (f. 99r), 49 (pp. 36–40), 55 (f. 48r), 57 (ff. 40v, 62v), 68 (f. 55r), 89 (f. 24r), 110 (f. 11v), 135 (f. 41r), 145 (nos. 131, 152, melody only), 150 (p. 31), 155 (ff. 30r, 114r, 124v, 239r, 247v), 159 (ff. 136v–137r), 164 (ff. 2r, 2v, 56v–57r), 172 (ff. 6v, 7r–v, 7v–8r, 65v, 66r), 176 (f. 22v), 182 (ff. 22v–23r, 58v), 185 (f. 22v, duet)

Song: 15 (pp. 66–9), 69 (f. 63r), 70 (ff. 1v–2r), 97 (f. 42v), 105 (ff. 2r, 7v, 8r), 124 (f. 8r), 138 (pp. 4–5)

Consort: 23 (f. 46, a4), 25 (Galliarda II), 30 (no. 6), 66 (f. 37r, lute consort part)

Cittern: 35 (ff. E2v, E3v), 60 (f. 28r)

Keyboard: 67 (p. 306), 69 (ff. 79v–80r), 148 (ff. 8r, 117v), 170 (no. 71), 195 (ff. 62v–63r)

Lyra Viol: 74 (pp. 67–7), 131 (p. 107)

Orpharion: 12 (f. B4v)

Recorder: 53 (f. 30r–v)

Violin: 33 (p. 188)

D43 Lady Rich’s Galliard/Dowland’s Bells (P43)

† Primary: 7 (f. N1r)

Lute: 63 (f. 9r), 64 (f. 91v), 72 (pp. 190, 381), 74 (p. 37), 109 (f. 18r), 118 (f. 8r), 134 (f. 5r), 160 (p. 88), 161 (pp. 146–7), 166 (p. 147), 172 (f. 3r), 182 (ff. 21r, 21v, 56v), 185 (ff. 21v, 392v), 194 (ff. 25v–26r)

Consort: 95 (f. 30v)

Keyboard: 188 (pt. 2, no. 43, arr. Nörmiger)

D44 Earl of Derby’s Galliard (P44)

† Primary: 7 (f. M2v)

Lute: 63 (f. 38r), 66 (ff. 1r, 2r), 89 (f. 21r), 119 (f. 13v), 134 (f. 7r), 161 (p. 142), 214 (ff. 39v–40v)

D45 K. Darcy’s Spirit/The Right Honorable the Lady Clifton’s Spirit* (P45)

† Primary: 7 (ff. N1v–2r)

Lute: 57 (f. 58r)

D46 Galliard to Lachrimae (P46)

† Primary: 5 (XXII)

Lute: 115 (ff. 44v–45r), 214 (ff. 27r–28r). Pairs with pavan D15

Keyboard: 113 (ff. 7v–8v, arr. Cosyn)

D47 Sir John Smith, his Almain (P47)

† Primary: 7 (ff. P2v–Q1r), 212 (ff. 13v–14r, signed)

Lute: 54 (f. 10r), 72 (p. 384), 74 (p. 7, duet part), 107 (f. 8v), 153 (f. 43v), 155 (f. 43r), 161 (p. 148), 163 (f. 21r), 185 (f. 503r), 194 (ff. 16v–17r)

Keyboard: 136 (no. 11)

D48 Lady Laiton’s Almain (P48)

† Primary: 212 (f. 11v, signed)

Lute: 14 (f. 139v), 20 (p. 80), 27 (f. 59r), 54 (f. 10v), 57 (f. 48r), 118 (f. 10r), 134 (f. 5r), 135 (f. 28r), 161 (pp. 145–6), 166 (pp. 347, 367, 491, 498), 168 (p. 2), 172 (f. 36v), 182 (f. 66v), 185 (ff. 492r–493r), 189 (ff. 59v–60r), 205 (f. 17r)

Song: 15 (pp. 197–203)

Bandora: 117 (f. 11r)

Cittern: 65 (f. 28v), 202 (ff. 13v–14r)

Keyboard: 125 (ff. 6v, 5v–r), 148 (ff. 120v–121r), 195 (f. 10v)

D49 almain (P49)

Lute: 57 (ff. 38r, 47r), 166 (p. 479)

D50 Mrs. White’s Choice/Mrs White’s Thing (P50)

Lute: 54 (f. 6r), 57 (f. 63v), 107 (f. 2r), 109 (f. 19r), 119 (f. 7r), 145 (ff. 10v, 11r–v), 205 (f. 15r)

Cittern: 60 (f. 31v)

D51 almain* (P51)

Lute: 63 (f. 32r)

D52 Mistress Nichols Almand/Mrs. Nichols Almain (P52)

† Primary: 4 (20)

Lute: 27 (f. 58r), 57 (f. 100v), 89 (f. 24r), 155 (f. 46v), 166 (pp. 296, 448), 189 (f. 60v)

Consort: 24 (LXXI), 43 (IIX), 93 (ff. 9r, 64r)

D53 Mrs. Clifton’s Almain (P53)

† Primary: 212 (f. 23v, in Dowland’s hand)

Lute: 64 (f. 28v), 89 (f. 44r)

D54 Lady Hunsdon’s Almain/Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe (P54)

† Primary: 212 (f. 22v, in Dowland’s hand and signed)

Lute: 63 (f. 7r), 64 (f. 38r), 92 (f. 2r), 153 (ff. 44v–45r), 166 (pp. 454, 499), 183 (f. 113v), 190 (ff. 59v–60r), 200 (f. 1v), 201 (f. 17r), 211 (pp. 26–7, 79), 213 (p. 78)

Song: 37 (XI, opening melody only)

Keyboard: 178 (f. 5r–v)

D55 Mrs. Winter’s Jump/Courante (P55)

Lute: 89 (f. 24v), 102 (f. 23r), 166 (p. 241), 169 (pp. 12–13), 212 (f. 5v)

Consort: 34 (CLVII, CCC)

Orpharion: 12 (f. D1r)

D56 Mrs. White’s Nothing (P56)

Lute: 57 (f. 22r)

D57 Mrs. Vaux’s Jig (P57)

Lute: 64 (f. 20v)

D58 The Shoemaker’s Wife, a Toy (P58)

Lute: 63 (f. 6v), 64 (f. 21v)

D59 Tarleton’s Resurrection (P59)

Lute: 205 (f. 11r)

D60 “Come again, sweet love doth now invite”/Come Away (P60)

† Primary: 1 (XVII)

Lute: 66 (f. 21v), 164 (ff. 1v, 64v), 166 (pp. 472, 502)

Song: 18 (no. 60), 47 (p. 167), 73 (S: f. O3v, Q: f. N3v), 76 (p. 53), 84 (ff. 9r, 23v–24r), 86 (T: p. 183, B: p. 198), 97 (ff. 26v–27r), 99 (f. 11v), 103 (f. 85r), 105 (ff. 3v, 9r), 124 (f. 10v), 132 (ff. 49v–50v), 138 (pp. 14–15), 164 (f. 32v), 203 (ff. 75v, 86v)

Consort: 61 (ff. 26v, 28r, bass viol)

Cittern: 202 (f. 11r)

Keyboard: 121 (ff. 16v–17r), 180 (ff. 54v–55v, 56r–57r), 209 (f. 14r)

Recorder: 51 (ff. 36v–39r), 52 (ff. 38v–41r)

D61 Orlando Sleepeth (P61)

Lute: 20 (p. 47), 26 (ff. 106r, 106v), 57 (f. 55v), 74 (p. 111), 118 (f. 5v), 120 (f. 1r), 140 (f. 22v), 150 (p. 50), 164 (ff. 23v, 38r), 185 (f. 399r)

Consort: 182 (f. 1r, treble and bandora)

Cittern: 65 (ff. 17v, 28v)

D62 Fortune my foe (P62)

Lute: 12 (f. F3r–v), 26 (f. 106v), 50 (p. 8), 59 (f. 11v), 64 (f. 89r, duet part), 74 (pp. 14, 111), 89 (f. 27r), 115 (f. 79v), 118 (f. 9v), 134 (f. 2r), 135 (ff. 34r, 38r), 153 (ff. 11v–12r), 157 (ff. 158v, 159r, 159v, 160r–159v), 161 (pp. 20–4), 162 (ff. 8v–9r), 166 (p. 412), 167 (f. 45r–v), 169 (p. 13), 182 (ff. 7v, 20v, 27v, 60r), 185 (ff. 387r, 387v, 388r, 477r), 189 (f. 62r), 191 (f. 16r), 193 (ff. 13r–13v, 13v), 194 (f. 14r), 212 (f. 57r), 214 (ff. 18v–21r)

Song: 47 (pp. 132–3), 75 (pp. 49–50), 81 (pt. III, after p. 65)

Consort: 62 (f. 1r, recorder), 65 (f. 21v, cittern)

Keyboard: 41 (II, pp. 143–56, var.), 67 (pp. 123–5), 83 (ff. 14v–20r), 114 (ff. 127v–130r), 116 (f. 7r), 129 (ff. 20r–21v), 146 (pp. 174–81, 185), 148 (f. 24r), 152 (ff. 27v–28v), 171 (no. 47), 181 (ff. 132r–134r), 186 (ff. 34v–35r), 195 (f. 34r)

Lyra Viol: 16 (ff. F2v–G1r), 66 (f. 15r), 122 (p. 12, arr. Sumarte)

D63 Complaint (P63)

Lute: 57 (f. 56r)

Consort: 61 (f. 5r, bass viol), 62 (f. 5r, recorder), 65 (f. 21v, cittern)

Cittern: 60 (f. 23r)

D64 Go from my window (P64)

Lute: 36 (f. H1r, arr. Robinson), 63 (ff. 39v–40r), 89 (ff. 17v–18r), 109 (f. 29v)

Orpharion: 12 (ff. C2v–4r)

D65 Lord Strang’s March (P65)

Lute: 57 (f. 58r)

D66 My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home (P66)

† Primary: 212 (f. 9v, first part of duet, signed)

Lute: 14 (f. 134v), 26 (f. 107v), 36 (ff. K2v–L1v, arr. Robinson), 49 (pp. 47–8), 57 (ff. 14v, 58v), 63 (f. 28v), 89 (f. 38r), 109 (ff. 25r; 33v, arr. of Byrd arr.?), 118 (f. 1r), 119 (f. 11v, duet part), 140 (f. 21v), 142 (no. 8), 145 (f. 12v), 153 (f. 49v), 166 (p. 372), 176 (f. 36r), 182 (ff. 14v, 41r, 57r), 185 (f. 389r), 189 (f. 24r), 198 (pp. 331–2), 205 (f. 12r)

Song: 47 (p. 83, Dutch words added)

Keyboard: 67 (pp. 278–9, arr. Byrd), 101 (ff. 115v, 116r–v), 111 (ff. 146v–148v, arr. Byrd), 114 (ff. 13v–14v, arr. Byrd), 154 (pp. 280–2), 195 (f. 2r)

Consort: 40 (no. 28, arr. Strobelius)

D67 Walsingham (P67)

Lute: 64 (ff. 67v–68r, var.), 150 (p. 35), 182 (f. 24r), 205 (f. 17r)

D68 Aloe (P68)

Lute: 56 (f. 25r), 63 (ff. 38v–39r), 89 (ff. 21v–22r)

D69 Loth to Depart (P69, some versions of questionable authorship)

Lute: 57 (f. 9r), 64 (ff. 68v–69v), 89 (f. 31r), 109 (f. 33r), 120 (f. 7v)

D70 Robin (P70, some arrangements of questionable authorship)

Lute: 20 (pp. 114–15), 54 (f. 12r), 55 (f. 32v), 57 (ff. 53r, 66r), 64 (ff. 29v–30r), 74 (p. 113), 89 (f. 31r), 102 (f. 25r), 109 (ff. 22v, 35r), 118 (f. 8r), 120 (f. 12v), 164 (f. 3v), 182 (f. 6v), 212 (f. 16v)

Bandora: 64 (f. 81v)

Consort: 58 (f. 11r, consort lute)

Lyra Viol: 66 (ff. 19v–20r)

D71 fantasia* (P71)

Lute: 31 (pp. 28–9), 109 (ff. 23v–24r)

D72 fantasia* (P72)

Lute: 89 (ff. 42v–43r)

D73 fantasia* (P73)

Lute: 64 (ff. 44v–45v)

D74 fantasia* (P74)

Lute: 29 (pp. 226–8), 102 (f. 24r), 194 (ff. 27v–31r)

D75 A Dream* (P75)

Lute: 57 (f. 48r), 110 (f. 3r)

Cittern: 65 (f. 26v)

D76 galliard* (P76)

Lute: 64 (f. 19v), 89 (f. 42r)

D77 Mrs. Norrish’s Delight* (P77)

Lute: 72 (p. 382)

D78 jig* (P78)

Lute: 89 (f. 26r)

D79 “What if a day”* (P79)

† Primary: 212 (f. 23r, in Dowland’s hand)

Lute: 56 (f. 2r), 64 (f. 62v), 78 (p. 127), 109 (f. 19r), 155 (f. 186r), 197 (f. 19r), 212 (f. 87r)*

Song: 11 (XVII), 15 (pp. 146–9), 18 (no. 17), 22 (p. 140), 45 (p. 77), 47 (p. 248), 86 (C: p. 189, T: p. 178, B: p. 183), 97 (ff. 25v–26r, 69v–70r), 103 (ff. 81v–82r), 127 (f. 109v), 131 (p. 115), 203 (f. 34v)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 15r–v), 152 (f. 42r), 208 (pp. 70–1)

Cittern: 35 (f. K2r), 60 (f. 32r)

Mandora: 80 (pp. 113–14)

Lyra Viol: 122 (p. 12, arr. Sumarte)

D80 A Coy Toy* (P80)

Lute: 118 (f. 7r)

D81 Tarleton’s Jig* (P81)

Lute: 57 (f. 56r)

Consort: 58 (ff. 17r, cittern; 53r, lute), 61 (f. 5r, bass viol), 62 (f. 5r, recorder)

Cittern: 60 (f. 25r)

D82 galliard* (P82)

Lute: 64 (f. 22r–v)

D83 My Lady Mildmay’s Delight* (P83) [by Robert Johnson?]

Lute: 66 (f. 11r), 107 (f. 16v), 118 (f. 12v), 134 (ff. 15v–16r), 212 (f. 22r)

D84 Hasellwood’s Galliard* (P84) [arr. of consort work by A. Holborne]

Lute: 64 (f. 17r, Holborne, arr. Dowland?), 110 (f. 5r)

D85 galliard* (P85)

Lute: 54 (f. 7r), 57 (f. 71v), 72 (p. 386), 89 (f. 29), 102 (f. 34), 166 (pp. 218, 234), 185 (f. 33r)

D86 pavan* (P86)

Lute: 166 (p. 114)

D87 galliard* (P87)

Lute: 166 (p. 195)

D88 Piper’s Galliard variant (P88), see D19

D89 Can She Excuse variant (P89), see D42

D90 Frog Galliard variant (P90), see D23

D91 Suzanna Galliard (Lord Viscount Lisle variant, P91), see D38

D92 Galliard Fr. Cutting (galliard variant, P92), see D24

D93 Une jeune filette* (P93)

Lute: 161 (pp. 25–8)

D94 pavan (P94)

Lute: 161 (pp. 28–31)

Consort: 43 (V)

D95 La mia Barbara (pavan) (P95)

Lute: 161 (pp. 49–51)

Consort: 42 (XI)

Keyboard: 196 (ff. 1v–3r, arr. Siefert)

D96 almain (P96)

Lute: 120 (f. 13r)

D97 Queen’s Galliard (P97)

Lute: 57 (f. 62r), 120 (f. 24r). Opening phrase based on same material as D41

D98 preludium (P98)

Lute: 120 (f. 29r)

D99 Mr. Dowland’s Midnight (P99)

Lute: 120 (f. 26v)

D100 Coranto (P100)

Lute: 120 (f. 30r)

D101 fantasia* (P101)

Lute: 176 (f. 17r)

D102 prelude* (P102)

Lute: 176 (f. 17r)

D103 galliard* (P103)

Lute: 176 (f. 6v)

D104 galliard (P104)

Lute: 57 (f. 41r), 110 (f. 7r)

Cittern: 202 (f. 10v, arr. Sprignell)

Bandora: 57 (f. 44r)

D105 galliard (P105)

Lute: 172 (f. 4v)

D106 pavan

Lute: 31 (pp. 52–3)

D107 pavan

Lute: 31 (pp. 54–6)

D108 Galliard on Gregory Huet’s Galliard

Lute: 182 (f. 66r)

D109 Dowland’s Allmaine

Consort: 93 (ff. 6v, 61v)

D110 volta

Consort: 43 (XXXIX)

D111 Sir Henry Guildford, his Almain*

† Primary: 7 (f. P1r)

D112 Mrs. Jane Leighton’s Choice*

Lute: 118 (f. 6v)

D113 Monsieur’s Almain*

Lute: 54 (f. 12v), 58 (f. 35v, first part of duet), 59 (f. 12r), 64 (ff. 53v–54r), 161 (pp. 147–8), 179 (ff. 140r–139v), 182 (f. 1r), 212 (f. 13r)

D114 Lachrimae antiquae novae

† Primary: 4 (2)

Consort: 42 (III)

D115 Lachrimae gementes

† Primary: 4 (3)

D116 Lachrimae tristes

† Primary: 4 (4)

D117 Lachrimae coactae

† Primary: 4 (5)

D118 Lachrimae amantis

† Primary: 4 (6)

D119 Lachrimae verae

† Primary: 4 (7)

D120 Sir Henry Umpton’s Funeral

† Primary: 4 (9)

D121 Mr. Nicholas Gryffith, his Galliard

† Primary: 4 (16)

Lute: 27 (f. 51v)

D122 Mr. Thomas Collier, his Galliard

† Primary: 4 (17)

Lute: 27 (f. 53v)

D123 Mr. George Whitehead, his Almand

† Primary: 4 (21)

Lute: 27 (f. 57v)

D124 Fuga

† Primary: 98 (f. 88r, signed)

D125 “Unquiet thoughts”

† Primary: 1 (I)

Song: 69 (f. 61v), 79 (f. 19r), 124 (ff. 3v–4r), 203 (f. 149r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 6r)

D126 “Whoever thinks or hopes of love for love”

† Primary: 1 (II)

Song: 69 (f. 61v), 105 (ff. 2r, 8r), 124 (ff. 2v–3r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 6v)

D127 “Dear if you change I’ll never choose again”

† Primary: 1 (VII)

Song: 69 (f. 64r), 84 (f. 7r), 105 (ff. 3r, 9v), 124 (f. 9v), 138 (pp. 18–19)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 8v)

D128 “Burst forth my tears”

† Primary: 1 (VIII)

Song: 69 (f. 64v), 105 (ff. 2v, 8v), 124 (f. 11v), 138 (pp. 10–11)

D129 “Go crystal tears”

† Primary: 1 (IX)

Song: 69 (f. 65r), 124 (f. 10r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 9r)

D130 “Think’st thou then by thy feigning”

† Primary: 1 (X)

Song: 87 (p. 44), 124 (f. 6r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 13v)

D131 “Come away, come sweet love”

† Primary: 1 (XI)

Song: 87 (p. 44), 105 (ff. 2v, 8v), 124 (f. 6v)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 13v)

D132 “Rest awhile you cruel cares”

† Primary: 1 (XII)

Song: 70 (ff. 3v–4r), 73 (S: f. R3v, Q: ff. O3v, O4r), 105 (ff. 3r, 8v), 124 (f. 8v), 207 (f. 8r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 9v)

D133 “Sleep wayward thoughts”

† Primary: 1 (XIII)

Song: 18 (no. 20), 32 (p. 41), 73 (S: f. R2r, Q: ff. O1v, O2r), 86 (C: p. 202, T: p. 184, B: p. 200), 87 (p. 44), 88 (p. 71), 94 (f. 7r), 95 (f. 4v), 97 (ff. 28v–29r), 100 (f. 2r), 103 (f. 85v), 105 (ff. 3r, 9r), 124 (f. 7v), 131 (p. 46), 132 (f. 16r), 138 (pp. 12–13), 203 (f. 67r)

Lute: 85 (p. 6), 215 (f. 6v, index only)

Lyra Viol: 108 (f. 91)

Keyboard: 94 (f. 22v), 148 (f. 10v)

Mandora: 80 (pp. 114–15)

D134 “All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed”

† Primary: 1 (XIV)

Song: 105 (ff. 3r, 9r), 204 (ff. 12v, 12v, 28v)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 10r)

D135 “Wilt thou unkind thus reave me of my heart”

† Primary: 1 (XV)

Song: 95 (f. 6r), 124 (f. 12r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 13r)

D136 “Would my conceit that first enforced my woe”

† Primary: 1 (XVI)

Song: 73 (S: f. S3v, Q: f. P3v)

D137 “His golden locks Time hath to silver turned”

† Primary: 1 (XVIII)

Song: 105 (f. 9r–v), 124 (f. 11r), 138 (pp. 16–17)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 11r)

D138 “Come heavy sleep”

† Primary: 1 (XX)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 11v)

D139 “Away with these self-loving lads”

† Primary: 1 (XXI)

Song: 84 (f. 9), 87 (p. 44), 99 (f. 12r), 124 (f. 12v), 138 (pp. 8–9)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 13r)

D140 “Praise God upon the lute and viol”/Psalm 150 (three-voice canon)

† Primary: 2 (title)

Song: 99 (f. 25v)

D141 “I saw my lady weep”

† Primary: 2 (I)

D142 “Sorrow stay, lend true repentant tears”

† Primary: 2 (III)

Song: 96 (f. 9r, arr. Wigthorpe), 97 (ff. 31v–32r), 106 (C: ff. 58v–59r, Q: f. 57r–v, A: ff. 77v–78r, T: ff. 56v–57r, B: f. 61r), 131 (p. 70)

Keyboard: 148 (ff. 77r–78r)

D143 “Die not before thy day”

† Primary: 2 (IV)

D144 “Mourn, mourn, day is with darkness fled”

† Primary: 2 (V)

D145 “Time’s eldest son, old age” (Second part: “Then sit thee down,” Third part: “When others sing”)

† Primary: 2 (VI–VIII)

D146 “Praise blindness eyes, for seeing is deceit”

† Primary: 2 (X)

Song: 138 (pp. 28–9)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 58v)

D147 “O sweet woods, the delight of solitariness”

† Primary: 2 (X)

D148 “If floods of tears could cleanse my follies past” (some feature lyrics set to the tune of “Sleep Wayward”)

† Primary: 2 (XI)

Song: 18 (no. 13), 80 (pp. 114–15, words), 86 (C: p. 202, T: p. 184, B: p. 200), 103 (f. 85v, words), 132 (f. 11r–v), 138 (pp. 24–5), 203 (f. 74v)

D149 “Fine knacks for ladies”

† Primary: 2 (XII)

Song: 84 (ff. 30v–31r)

D150 “Now cease my wandering eyes”

† Primary: 2 (XIII)

Keyboard: 148 (ff. 58v–59r)

D151 “Come ye heavy states of night”

† Primary: 2 (XIV)

Song: 131 (p. 47)

D152 “White as lilies was her face”

† Primary: 2 (XV)

Song: 18 (no. 40), 132 (f. 33r–v)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 59r)

D153 “Woeful heart with grief oppressed”

† Primary: 2 (XVI)

D154 “A shepherd in a shade”

† Primary: 2 (XVII)

Song: 18 (no. 56), 132 (ff. 45v–46v), 138 (pp. 22–3)

D155 “Faction that ever dwells in court”

† Primary: 2 (XVIII)

Keyboard: 148 (ff. 59r–60v)

D156 “Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace”

† Primary: 2 (XIX)

Song: 87 (p. 44), 138 (pp. 30–1), 203 (f. 64r)

Keyboard: 148 (f. 77r)

D157 “Toss not my soul”

† Primary: 2 (XX)

Song: 138 (pp. 26–7)

D158 “Clear or cloudy, sweet as April showering”

† Primary: 2 (XXI)

D159 “Humor say what mak’st thou here”

† Primary: 2 (XXII)

Song: 94 (f. 12r), 138 (pp. 20–1, a5)

D160 “Farewell too fair”

† Primary: 3 (I)

D161 “Time stands still”

† Primary: 3 (II)

D162 “Behold a wonder here”

† Primary: 3 (III)

Song: 18 (no. 46), 132 (f. 38r)

D163 “Daphne was not so chaste as she was changing”

† Primary: 3 (IV)

D164 “Me, me, and none but me”

† Primary: 3 (V)

D165 “When Phoebus first did Daphne love”

† Primary: 3 (VI)

D166 “Say Love, if ever thou didst find”

† Primary: 3 (VII)

D167 “Flow not so fast ye fountains”

† Primary: 3 (VIII)

D168 “What if I never speed”

† Primary: 3 (IX)

Song: 203 (f. 66v)

D169 “Love stood amazed at sweet Beauty’s pain”

† Primary: 3 (X)

D170 “Lend your ears to my sorrow, good people”

† Primary: 3 (XI)

D171 “By a fountain where I lay”

† Primary: 3 (XII)

D172 “O what hath overwrought my all amazed thought”

† Primary: 3 (XIII)

D173 “Farewell unkind, farewell”

† Primary: 3 (XIV)

D174 “Weep you no more, sad fountains”

† Primary: 3 (XV)

D175 “Fie on this feigning, is love without desire”

† Primary: 3 (XVI)

D176 “I must complain, yet do enjoy my love”

† Primary: 3 (XVII)

D177 “It was a time when silly bees could speak”

† Primary: 3 (XVIII)

Song: 18 (no. 54), 94 (f. 21r), 132 (f. 44r–v)

D178 “The lowest trees have tops”

† Primary: 3 (XIX)

Song: 18 (no. 27), 132 (ff. 21v–22r)

D179 “What poor astronomers are they”

† Primary: 3 (XX)

D180 “Come when I call or tarry till I come”

† Primary: 3 (XXI)

D181 “Disdain me still that I may ever love”

† Primary: 5 (I)

D182 “Sweet stay awhile, why will you rise”

† Primary: 5 (II)

D183 “To ask for all thy love”

† Primary: 5 (III)

D184 “Love those beams that breed”

† Primary: 5 (IV)

D185 “Were every thought an eye”

† Primary: 5 (VI)

Consort: 43 (X)

D186 “Stay Time, awhile thy flying”

† Primary: 5 (VII)

D187 “Tell me true Love”

† Primary: 5 (VIII)

D188 “Go nightly cares, the enemy to rest”

† Primary: 5 (IX)

D189 “From silent night, true register of moans”

† Primary: 5 (X)

D190 “Lasso vita mia, mi fa morire”

† Primary: 5 (XI)

D191 “In this trembling shadow cast”

† Primary: 5 (XII)

D192 “If that a sinner’s sighs be angel’s food”

† Primary: 5 (XIII)

D193 “Thou mighty God” (Second part: “When David’s life,” Third part: “When the poor cripple”)

† Primary: 5 (XIV–XVI)

D194 “Where sin sore-wounding”

† Primary: 5 (XVII)

D195 “My heart and tongue were twins”

† Primary: 5 (XVIII)

D196 “Up merry mates, to Neptune’s praise”

† Primary: 5 (XIX)

D197 “Welcome black night, Hymen’s fair day”

† Primary: 5 (XX)

D198 “Cease these false sports”

† Primary: 5 (XXI)

D199 “Far from triumphing court”

† Primary: 6 (VIII)

D200 “Lady if you so spite me”/Aria

† Primary: 6 (IX)

Consort: 43 (XIX)

D201 “In darkness let me dwell”

† Primary: 6 (X)

D202 “Adieu, sweet Amaryllis”* (lost and doubtful)

Lute: 216

D203 “An heart that’s broken and contrite” (Psalm 51)

† Primary: 8 (9)

Song: 94 (f. 14r), 112 (f. 4v)

D204 “I shame at mine unworthiness”

† Primary: 8 (19)

Song: 112 (f. 28v)

D205 “Put me not to rebuke, O Lord” (Psalm 38). Other psalm titles in same volume using the same tune: “Before the Lord with my voice”/“The foolish man in that which he”/“Have mercy upon me O God”/“Have mercy upon me I pray”/“How long wilt thou forget me Lord”/“How pleasant is thy dwelling place”/“I mercy will and judgments sing”/“In speechless silence do not hold”/“In trouble and adversity”/“Lord be my judge and thou shalt see”/“The Lord be thanked for his gifts”/“Lord bow thine ear to my request”/“Lord plead my cause against my foes”/“The man is blessed whose wickedness”/“My Lord my God in all distress”/“O come let us lift up our voice”/“O give ye thanks unto the Lord”/“O Lord give ear to thy just cause”/“O Lord thou didst us clean forsake”/“O Lord unto my voice give ear”/“O sing ye now unto the Lord”/“Praise ye the Lord, for he is good”/“A Thanksgiving”/“Thee will I praise with my whole heart”/“Thou art O Lord, my strength and stay”/“Thou hast been merciful in deed”/“Thou heard that Israel dost keep”/“To these my words and plaint”/“Unto God we will give thanks”/“What is the cause that thou O Lord”/“When Israel by God’s address”/“Why did the Gentiles tumults raise”/“Ye people all with one accord”

† Primary: 10 (used in twenty-two settings in 1592, thirty-two settings in later volumes)

Song: 44 (Psalm 5)

D206 “All people that on earth do dwell”/“Behold now give heed”/“Praise the Lord all ye Gentiles all”/Psalm 100 (harmonization i)

† Primary: 10 (pp. 172–3, 260–1)

Lute: 206 (f. 95r)

D207 “My soul praise the Lord” (Psalm 104)

† Primary: 10 (pp. 180–3)

D208 “Lord to thee I make my moan” (Psalm 103) [i]

† Primary: 10 (pp. 228–31)

D209 “Behold and have regard”/Psalm 134

† Primary: 10 (pp. 234–5)

D210 “O God of power omnipotent”/“A prayer for the Queen’s most excellent Majesty”

† Primary: 10 (pp. 274–5)

D211 “All people that on earth do dwell”/Psalm 100 (harmonization ii)

† Primary: 9 (pp. 172–3)

Song: 91 (no. 11)

D212 Lamentatio Henrici Noel/“O Lord turn not away thy face”/“The Lamentation of a Sinner”

† Primary: 123 (f. 2r)

D213 “Lord in thy wrath reprove me not” (Psalm 6)/“Domine ne in Furore”

† Primary: 123 (f. 2v)

D214 “O Lord consider my distress” (Psalm 51)/“Miserere mei Deus”

† Primary: 123 (f. 3r)

D215 “O Lord of whom I do depend”/“Humble suit of a sinner”

† Primary: 123 (f. 3v)

D216 “Where righteousness doth say”/“Humble complaint of a sinner”

† Primary: 123 (f. 4r)

D217 “Lord to thee I make my moan” (Psalm 103) [ii]/“De profundis”

† Primary: 123 (f. 4v)

D218 “Lord hear my prayer, hark the plaint” (Psalm 143)/“Domine Exaudi”

† Primary: 123 (f. 5r)