Approaches that may work very well with one child or group of children, or in a particular situation or culture, may be ineffective or may even exacerbate a problem with another child, a different group of children or in an alternative situation or culture. The idea of bullying as intentional becomes somewhat unclear when referring to very young children, however, and it may be that definitions of bullying need adaptation for early years settings. Psychological bullying involves attempts to upset, confuse, dominate or otherwise damage another child emotionally and psychologically. Physical bullying is the traditional image of aggression, and the extent of physical aggression reported in the literature as experienced by some children is extreme.Sexual bullying can include abusive, sexualised name-calling and insults, spreading rumours of a sexual nature online or in person, and inappropriate or unwelcome touches without consent. A relatively new and increasingly noted form of bullying is cyberbullying.