The tariff of 1842 was of the "two-fold" character spoken of by Mr. Tyler; that is, duties laid by it were for both revenue and protection. They were increased for both these objects, to such a degree as each required. A tariff for protection alone has never been advocated by any considerable number; and the accusation that such a measure has been seriously contemplated, at any time, is undeserved and unjust. It is one of the common pretenses behind which the fallacy of free trade is disguised. The beneficial effects of the tariff of 1842 were almost immediately manifested. The business of the country - which had been previously paralyzed - was wonderfully revived. The political result which followed the passage of the tariff of 1842, was a more distinct and direct issue than had existed before, between friends of protection upon one side, and advocates of a tariff for revenue only, tending ultimately to free trade, upon the other.