This chapter addresses a significant aspect of change leadership which involves building the case for change. It reviews neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) analytical models that can support traditional change management tools. The process for building the case for change usually involves analysis of the key change drivers that the organizational leadership has become consciously aware of. The chapter describes the methodology which may incorporate the abstract and dissociates methods of political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal change drivers, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and stakeholder mapping with associated techniques such as perceptual position-taking across a timeline and multiple neurological levels. It highlights the various ways that NLP can be used as a strategic planning tool. The SOAR model as an analytical device also enables enhanced understanding of key stakeholders' perceptions and attitudes towards the project. The SOAR Model, originally developed by Robert Dilts, incorporates three major NLP techniques including: timeline, perceptual positions, and neurological levels.