This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book offers a theory of Chief Justice Asshiddiqie as a "prudential-minimalist hero"—a judicial hero who relies on practical intelligence and reason to access possible strategies, and whose approach sometimes involves taking seemingly unheroic actions to achieve his ultimate goals. It illustrates the unique heroism of the first-generation Indonesian Constitutional Court and to critically examine what happened next —after the heroic Chief Justice Asshiddiqie left the scene. The book argues that the founding chief justice of the Indonesian Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, was a prudential-minimalist type of judicial hero. It also argues that the change of judicial leadership was the most important factor that influenced the performance of the Indonesian Constitutional Court. The book explores that the second-generation and the third-generation Courts are less heroic than the first because of the break in judicial leadership at the Court.