This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book discusses John Maynard Keynes' views respecting international trade theory and policy. It investigates Keynes' contributions to foreign trade theory and policy from the earliest phase of his career to his untimely passing in 1946. The book considers Keynes' foreign trade views from the beginning of his career to the early 'thirties. It deals with his foreign trade convictions as expressed during the period of the General Theory. The book investigates his trade position of the Clearing Union-World War II era. It shows that Keynes was not disposed to have foreign trade relations supersede or interfere with the pursuit of those domestic policies which were intended to promote high levels of employment and income. Keynes was primarily concerned with the question of full employment and ultimately it was this consideration which precluded his complete reversion to the ideals of doctrinaire free trade.