"All the children are well" statement provides insight into a cultural tradition that prioritizes the needs of the young. This practice resembles core characteristics of Christopher P. Chatmon, the executive director of the Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA). When Chatmon became the leader of this new initiative in Oakland in 2010, he was cognizant of the critics and disenchanted by the politics. Chatmon has strategically fostered local partnerships on the ground in Oakland while simultaneously maintaining national notoriety. The school received an award for the most significant reduction in suspensions for any middle school. Plans were in place to offer, in the words of Chatmon. He is a force of nature; his inclination is to love, communicate, celebrate, and support. He wants nothing less for his own sons, those by bloodline and those, like him, who are adopted in one way or another, into this AAMA village of care.