This chapter outlines the support needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) youth and how their academic, emotional, and behavioural needs can be met through evidence-based practices and a culturally responsive approach, as part of the multi-tiered culturally responsive system of support (MTCRSS). The majority of the necessary supports occur within the universal and tertiary levels, with broader support needed from legislative bodies. When schools enact protective policies, LGBT+ students are more likely to feel safe, half as likely to be physically abused, and less likely to self-harm or attempt suicide. Education policy must specifically ban discrimination against LGBT+ students and teachers. The importance of including education about LGBT+ students in school leader, teacher, and counsellor preservice training cannot be understated, as a lack of knowledge is a reported barrier for providing support. School counsellors, in particular, play a large role in supporting LGBT+ students and educating school leaders and teachers about how they too can provide support.