Building operations ahead: semi-detached, semi-detached, on and on in ribbon fashion. Speculative to judge by appearances. Road getting wider. Fields both sides: suburbs approaching, devouring the green fields. Village being slowly throttled by ‘suburbonic’ plague. Woodland torn up, evident numerous tree stumps. Why? There’s the answer not far away, incomplete housing schemes. Rear elevations visible: soil pipes, concrete garden walls, laundry flapping in the wind. Hope the scheme is not brought too close to the road. Space still left for some form of ‘city entrance’; that is if this is the limit of city extension. Community centre or other public buildings in landscaped open spaces would be an idea. 1 Dermot O’Toole, ‘Runway to Pillar’ lecture/photo essay, published in <italic>RIAI Yearbook 1949</italic>. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315102528/0eb4b6d0-aff5-4cd7-8aeb-4e1bddb43052/content/fig4_1_B.tif"/>