Mr. Changing and others have accused the Orthodox generally of maintaining certain opinions on the subject of Election. We have repelled the accusation, by saying, that we do not maintain those opinions. Dr. Ware’s apology for Mr. Channing is this;—if the Orthodox “do not maintain the opinions, against which the sermon of Mr.Channing ir directed, there seems to have been no good reason why they should feel themselves at all concerned in the charge. Calvinists only who do maintain them, can fairly consider their opinions as attacked, and themselves called upon to defend them.” This apology would have been satisfactory, if Mr. Channing had directed his sermon against opinions merely, and not against men. But as 150the charges contained in the sermon are made against the Orthodox, we have this to do with them at least, that is, to declare them untrue. And as Mr. Channing has been distinctly informed that we disclaim the sentiments which he has charged and has been understood to charge upon us; it would be no unnatural expectation, that he would have something to do, besides repeating such groundless charges. Indeed it has become a question of difficult solution with many, how it can be reconciled with fairness or integrity for him to continue, without abatement or correction, to publish charges, by which the great body of Christians in the world are really as much injured, as he himself would be, if the same charges were published against him.