This chapter presents a biography of mid- to late-19th-century vocalist Emilia Chiomi. Emilia Chiomi' was, of course, a pseudonym. The young lady's name was Emmeline Hairs, and she had been born in London some 24 years earlier, the second daughter of Charles Hairs and his wife Harriet, née Draper. 'The Signora Chiomi has won the caresses of the critics – caresses well merited. She is beautiful, has long fair hair, a sweet voice, a lithe and graceful figure, yet which flash with rare intelligence, a mellow flexible passionate voice with self-possession and distinction of gesture and movement'. Major Carpenter, a wealthy amateur musician, introduced to the operatic world a charming English girl, who under cover of the Italian name of Chiomi was to electrify London with her singing. She exchanged opera singing, adventuressing and English and French con tricks for a New York massage parlour.