This chapter presents a biography of mid- to late-19th-century actress Julia Gould. In the 1830s, Mrs Gould Panormo took up a career as a lecturer on the art of singing. 'Miss Gould' resurfaced in 1841 when Michael Balfe opened the English Opera House to put on to the stage his opera Keolanthe. In June, Miss Gould returned to the English Opera House, where she was seen in a little 'fairy romance' entitled The Kiss, or Bertha's Bridal, with music by a striving singer-composer by name Clement White. Julia made a first visit to San Francisco in early 1853, with Catherine Norton Sinclair, and returned there at the beginning of 1854. She stayed in California for nearly three years, playing with a variety of stars and companies, notably that of Laura Keene and those more musically orientated of Anna Thillon and of Anna Bishop.