This chapter presents a biography of mid- to late-19th-century singer Gustav Holzel. He was born into a theatrical family - allegedly at the 'Zum Marokkaner' inn - while his father was fulfilling an engagement at the Deutsches National theater in Pest. His father was Nikolaus Alois Holzel (1785-1848), a bass singer, comic actor and Regisseur. His mother was Elisabeth, nee Umlauf, a contralto, and the daughter of the well-known musician Ignaz Umlauf, who 'had conducted the premiere of the final version of Fidelio'. Gustav's career as a composer of songs and piano pieces was almost as considerable as his career on the stage. He set texts in German, English and French, was published beyond the oceans and was translated into many languages; his melodies were also adapted for many instruments. At his death, the press referred to Holzel as 'der beste Bassbuffi, vielleicht, den Wien besessen hat'.