This chapter presents a biography of mid- to late-19th-century singer Luise Liebhart. Between 1845 and 1864 Luise Liebhart was, basically, engaged as one of the principal sopranos – alongside, for various lengths of time, such stars as Mathilde Wildauer, Emmy Lagrua, Therese Titiens, Luise Meyer-Dustmann – at Vienna's Imperial Opera. Luise Liebhart headed for London, followed by half-a-dozen other members of the Imperial Opera Company, and on 15 May she made her reappearance in Britain at the still fashionable early-season concert of Madame Puzzi. Luise Liebhart was Adalgisa, and her success as Susanna was roundly confirmed: 'the lady vocalist entered with much intelligence and skill into the spirit of that role, displaying many excellent qualities of voice and style, so much so that future success may be deemed a certainty. In her mid-40s, Luise Liebhart, vocalist and vastly successful singing teacher, was at the peak of her fame and of her popularity.