This chapter traces Theodosius’ reign from his unlikely rise to power through to his sudden, and for many of his contemporaries devastating, death. At almost 16 years his reign was lengthy for its age, which in and of itself makes Theodosius one of the most significant emperors of the fourth century. However, the sheer length of his reign only partly accounts for his imposing legacy. Theodosius’ reign was dominated by his dynastic ambitions, which manifested themselves in a diverse range of his decisions. The impact of Theodosius’ death was felt differently in the east and the west, with the latter left in a far more precarious situation. In his funeral oration for Theodosius Ambrose maintains a studied silence regarding Stilicho and the role he would play in the new regime. This suggests that there was some confusion, even among those who had been close to Theodosius, regarding his wishes for the shape of the western regime after his death.