The concept of hospitality is thus recognized in the context of the moral and political implications of cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism and hospitality are necessarily the starting point in rethinking the place of foreigners, migrants, strangers to contemporary politics. Thinking cosmopolitanism through hospitality becomes a necessary rather than contingent exercise in politics. Hospitality is a constitutive element of cosmopolitanism, and is urgently brought back to center stage in the contemporary concerns of a mobile world. Cosmopolitanism and hospitality begin at home. Home is often idealized as a space of hospitality that offers travelers or guests respite from the labor of mobility. Cosmopolitanism and hospitality, then, would need to operate not just on macro levels but also crucially on the micro and personal levels, as lived and mediated experience in everyday life. Cosmopolitan hospitality is a far distant, seemingly unachievable at present, yet fundamentally important resource for a journey of hope, for the order of the future in an unstable mobile world.