On 28 July 2007, the cabinet passed a Bill on historical memory, and on that same day it was processed in the Congress of Deputies. The need to end the culture of amnesia and the transitional justice triumvirate of truth, justice and reparation was ever present in the negotiations for the Historical Memory Law in both Chambers. The Historical Memory Law widened the scope of the reparation measures that had been progressively implemented as per the 1977 Amnesty Law. The legal means to prosecute crimes of the Civil War and Francoism were closed, and the doctrine established by the Supreme Court in relation to the Amnesty Law was followed by other Spanish courts when they had to process cases of enforced disappearances. In July 2011, the BNG, as part of the Mixed Group in Parliament, proposed a Bill for the modification of Law 46/1977, 15 October, on Amnesty.