Sevenoaks School in Kent bucks the trend in more ways than one. In the fifteenth century, when many people left their possessions to the church, William Sevenoke bequeathed his London properties to the people of Sevenoaks to establish a free grammar school and almshouses for the poor. Inclusive leadership means including other people’s thinking, drawing on other people’s expertise and empowering others. It also means including everyone in the decision-making process so that people feel that they have a strong say in the way that decisions go. A view expressed by two respondents was that women may be more likely to deliver inclusive leadership than men, with men in senior leadership probably potentially less collaborative, less empathetic and less good at listening. Sevenoaks School is one with an enviable reputation for innovation and growth. The leadership at Sevenoaks School appears to be inclusive in character, with the tone of this leadership set at the top and cascading down.