One of the first strategic documents a Marketing team usually generates is a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis, where the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats categories speak to the overall potential and speedbumps the film will face as it moves to opening day. The film’s strength, as anchored in Jason Clarke’s brilliant performance as the senator, illustrates how a family dynasty rallied around one of their own and was able to manipulate the facts and the law enforcement community and engage in a coverup that essentially got Ted off on an extremely light sentence. A movie about Ted Kennedy would be a slam dunk pitch to a liberal audience of his and the family’s supporters. Chappaquiddick recounts the tragic events of the 1969 fatal car accident involving US Senator Ted Kennedy and a young, female campaign worker who died at the scene. Given the popularity of the Kennedys in the 1960s, most looked people just wanted to move on.