Executive functions (EF) is a term used to refer to the many tasks that our brains perform when we are engaged in thinking and acting, namely in the process of solving problems. These functions are called into action when we are attempting to learn new information, recalling information from the past, or retrieving information from our memory. EF also guide individuals regarding how to use information from past experiences to solve problems on a daily basis. EF include such activities as planning, organization, attention to relevant details, and managing time and space. Since EF refer to a cluster of abilities, there are a number of different theories about how EF should be conceptualized. EF have been likened to a “Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a corporation” who is responsible for mobilizing, organizing, and sustaining the basic cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes so that problem solving can be effective in achieving the goals. If one or more of the processes is not functioning properly, then there is increased likelihood that the goals will not be achieved adequately.